About BNL…
Our first accelerating program was successfully finished in 2020. In the nearly 4 years long period BNL Start built up a 24 companies’ portfolio, and became one of the strongest and most attractive ecosystem player in the North-Hungarian Region. As the founders of the incubator always highlighted their FinTech relations and network, most of the early-stage startups were selected from this field. But it wasn’t an exclusionary criteria: turism, edtech,
e-health and many other areas were also welcome! We are proud of our startups:
– in case of 3 companies further, external investment validated the business potential
– for 6 companies next round investment achieved in an amount of all together more than
4 million EUR and
– one partial exit on a favourably high company valuation
… these are the most motivating feedbacks for us to continue.
Our purpose
Startup Factory is now open! In cooperation with the University of Miskolc and many other national and international ecosystem members we are eager to find, to mentor and to support the early stage stratups to help them get real feedback on their businesses and in some cases find financing to be able to achieve global success. What we are looking for? Agile teams who has already something in their hands: an attractive investor deck, a prototype, a successful pilot, some traction, a validated BP… something which helps BNL board to understand the solution and foresee the potential in that.